网红摄影师Pat Kay 30天摄影基础知识加速器教程(外挂中英字幕)

资源信息 资源名称:网红摄影师Pat Kay 30天摄影基础知识加速器教程(外挂中英字幕) 资源类型:课程 资源标签:摄影 #教程 资源来源:夸克网盘吧Kuakeba.cn 资源简介 摄影经验教程、技巧心得,让你轻松获得摄影入门到后期制作的相关技巧。 资源目录 网红摄影师Pat Kay 30天摄影基础知识加速器教程

网红摄影师Pat Kay 30天摄影基础知识加速器教程(外挂中英字幕)


资源名称:网红摄影师Pat Kay 30天摄影基础知识加速器教程(外挂中英字幕)
资源标签:摄影 #教程




网红摄影师Pat Kay 30天摄影基础知识加速器教程
├─ 0. Introduction.mp4
├─ 0. Introduction.srt
├─ 1. Day 1 - What is photography, anyway.mp4
├─ 1. Day 1 - What is photography, anyway.srt
├─ 10. Day 10 - Shooting modes and more.mp4
├─ 10. Day 10 - Shooting modes and more.srt
├─ 11. Day 11 - It s all about light.mp4
├─ 11. Day 11 - It s all about light.srt
├─ 12. Day 12 - Low light.mp4
├─ 12. Day 12 - Low light.srt
├─ 13. Day 13 - What is GOOD photography, anyway.mp4
├─ 13. Day 13 - What is GOOD photography, anyway.srt
├─ 14. Day 14 - Foundational Visual Patterns.mp4
├─ 14. Day 14 - Foundational Visual Patterns.srt
├─ 15. Day 15 - Subject, subject, subject.mp4
├─ 15. Day 15 - Subject, subject, subject.srt
├─ 16. Day 16 - Layout basics.mp4
├─ 16. Day 16 - Layout basics.srt
├─ 17. Day 17 - Finding your style.mp4
├─ 17. Day 17 - Finding your style.srt
├─ 18. Day 18 - Finding a purpose for your art.mp4
├─ 18. Day 18 - Finding a purpose for your art.srt
├─ 19. Day 19 - Genres of photography.mp4
├─ 19. Day 19 - Genres of photography.srt
├─ 2. Day 2 - Sensor sizes and cameras.mp4
├─ 2. Day 2 - Sensor sizes and cameras.srt
├─ 20. Day 20 - Landscape Genre overview.mp4
├─ 20. Day 20 - Landscape Genre overview.srt
├─ 21. Day 21 - Street photography Genre overview.mp4
├─ 21. Day 21 - Street photography Genre overview.srt
├─ 22. Day 22 - Portraiture Genre overview.mp4
├─ 22. Day 22 - Portraiture Genre overview.srt
├─ 23. Day 23 - Editing basics.mp4
├─ 23. Day 23 - Editing basics.srt
├─ 24. Day 24 - Adobe Lightroom Editing workflow.mp4
├─ 24. Day 24 - Adobe Lightroom Editing workflow.srt
├─ 25. Day 25 - Auxiliary gear and nice-to-haves.mp4
├─ 25. Day 25 - Auxiliary gear and nice-to-haves.srt
├─ 26. Day 26 - Location scouting and planning.mp4
├─ 26. Day 26 - Location scouting and planning.srt
├─ 27. Day 27 - Backup and storage.mp4
├─ 27. Day 27 - Backup and storage.srt
├─ 28. Day 28 - Sharing your work and Social Media.mp4
├─ 28. Day 28 - Sharing your work and Social Media.srt
├─ 29. Day 29 - Making a career out of photography.mp4
├─ 29. Day 29 - Making a career out of photography.srt
├─ 3. Day 3 - Lenses.mp4
├─ 3. Day 3 - Lenses.srt
├─ 30. Day 30 - The next step.mp4
├─ 30. Day 30 - The next step.srt
├─ 4. Day 4 - Exposure , the overview.mp4
├─ 4. Day 4 - Exposure , the overview.srt
├─ 5. Day 5 - Exposure - Shutter Speed.mp4
├─ 5. Day 5 - Exposure - Shutter Speed.srt
├─ 6. Day 6 - Exposure - Aperture.mp4
├─ 6. Day 6 - Exposure - Aperture.srt
├─ 7. Day 7 - Exposure - ISO.mp4
├─ 7. Day 7 - Exposure - ISO.srt
├─ 8. Day 8 - All about focus.mp4
├─ 8. Day 8 - All about focus.srt
├─ 9. Day 9 - All about focus, part 2.mp4
└─ 9. Day 9 - All about focus, part 2.srt
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